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Alchemy Guild

Northwest Alchemy Conference

  • 06 Jun 2014
  • 08 Jun 2014
  • Longhouse Center, Redmond, Washington

NW Alchemy Conference in Redmond, Washington


By popular demand, the NW Alchemy Conference will be going on this year at the Longhouse in Redmond Washington. June 6-8th, 2014. For more info on the facility click: Longhouse

More information on the conference to be posted at http://www.NorthWestAlchemyconference.co 


VENDORS WANTED! Outdoor vending space available, BYO setup, $75 (2- 1/2 days) for the weekend 10X10 space. (please email for application as well at spagyricus@aol.com or spagyricus1@gmail.com)

SPEAKERS WANTED!: Please email with class description and bio to spagyricus@aol.com or spagyricus1@gmail.com )

Check us out and like us on facebook! https://www.facebook.com/NwAlchemyConference

The facility offers a large kitchen, dining area (meat free although cooked meat is fine to prepare). Bathrooms, Parking area, camping space, pool and hot tub. Camping will be extra to help pay for the site, 

Federally Tax Exempt Public Charity under 501(c)3.

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