The Alchemy Museum and Lab will be the first museum of its kind in the United States and the largest in the world. The museum will include a working Alchemy Laboratory with work stations for up to twelve students at a time. Classes on plant and mineral alchemy will be presented by visiting alchemists and herbalists.
In anticipation of the opening of the Alchemy Museum and Lab, highlights of the collection will be featured in an Alchemy Exhibit in the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum beginning on the Summer Solstice 2015. (Alchemy Guild members receive free admission to the Egyptian Museum.) The museum itself will not open until renovations and exhibits are completed in the museum building. Please donate to the museum project to help us open the museum as soon as possible.
Dennis William Hauck has been appointed Project Curator and Designer. More information can be found at the Rosicrucian Alchemy Museum page or go to AlchemyMuseum.info.
Please make a tax-deductible donation to help this dream become a reality. Use a credit card to donate at:
(Select "Alchemy Museum and Lab" in the "Contribute To" drop down menu. All donations are tax deductible.)
To volunteer to help promote the museum or assist in the assembly of exhibits in San Jose, please contact Dennis William Hauck through the Museum Exhibits website. To apply for job and volunteer opportunities in the Rosicrucian organization, go to Rosicrucian Opportunities.
Join our Facebook Alchemy Museum Group to provide feedback and suggestions for this exciting project! Be sure to like our Facebook Alchemy Museum Fan Page!