The Alchemy Guild Bulletin is your source for breaking news on alchemy and alchemists with current announcements and latest info on classes, lectures, and events. | Edited by Paulette Harris. Published six times a year by the Alchemy Guild. Past issues are archived at | | January-February 2014 HAPPY NEW YEAR! | |
| Announcements MAGIC TRIBE AUCTIONS The Guild has set up a free auction and classifieds website for members and others interested in the Hermetic sciences and esoteric arts to sell or trade services and merchandise. Nearly 80 categories, including laboratory supplies, meditation, ritual, tinctures and elixirs, classes, events, travel, jobs, personals. View the entire contents and place your free ads at COMPLETE ARCHIVES ON A MEMORY CARD! In response to requests from members, the entire Alchemy Guild Archives is now available on a fast, searchable 64 GB memory card! Copy to your devices or access from the portable library of thousands of documents, images, audio and video recordings, and original manuscripts. Sections include: Introductory Alchemy, History of Alchemy, Alchemists, Alchemy Books & Scrolls, Symbology & Ciphers, Laboratory Work, Herbology, Medical Alchemy, Chinese Alchemy, Arabic Alchemy, Indian Alchemy, Rosicrucian, Hermetic, Magick & Metaphysics, Astrology, Kabbalah, Psychology, Spirituality & Meditation, Literature & Art, Modern Alchemy, Science & Alchemy, Journals & Magazines, Audio Files, Image Gallery & Videos, and Utilities. It would takes weeks of downloading individual files from the member lodge, but now they are all available on one ultra-fast 64 GB SDXC Class 10 UHS-1 flash memory card! ORDER ARCHIVES MEMORY CARD
Therefore, learn Alchemiam, otherwise called Spagyria, which teaches you to separate the false from the true. - Paracelsus Chapter News
IAG's Denver Chapter, Le Lion Rouge has announced that the paypal request for Timothy Wilkerson's Alchemy Astrology lecture to be held on January 18, 2014 is now in place. Emails have gone out to those of you who RSVP'd. If you did not get one, please email Le Lion Rouge at Please note that the lecture will be held at Fluid Coffee House via Skype. There has been a change in officers of the Chapter. Greg Carroll is now holding the office of Vice President. Gratitude and appreciation go out to Greg Starr for his past service as Vice President. It is the viewpoint of Le Lion Rouge that a changing leadership ensures that the Chapter will stay fresh over time. A new lecture has been added to its calendar: Phoenix Aquila of The Divine Ascent will be lecturing via web on Spiritual Alchemy February 15, 2014 at 5:00 P.M. Mountain time. More information on this lecture will be forthcoming. | | In This Issue: Spotlight On . . .
The Philosophers Stone is a state of pure conscious awareness, and the sacred knowledge of Alchemy helps guide us toward this exalted state.
- Phoenix Aquila, The Divine Ascent | | From Our Readers THE GREATER PICTURE By Steve Kalec
As we are each a tiny puzzle piece of the greater picture, the greater picture is not whole without each tiny piece. An awesome fact to keep in mind is that the "whole" is infinite whose circumference stretches to never ending boundaries and states of being. Thus it is "The All". If a tiny puzzle piece would want to exit itself from this infinite boundless "All", where would he go? He would go to infinity to realize he can't get out. We are all in “The ALL". We cannot ever not be. This should scare us more than death itself, for we are, period! We better learn to "be", for we cannot escape it. If we don't like the look, feel and state of our tiny piece, all we could do is change it, transform it, transmute it. As a tiny piece changes, so does the Greater picture. It is in this way that we change the world, by changing ourselves. Our conception of the world, creates the world we are in. "Change your conception of the world, and you will have changed the world." Such is the power of the tiny puzzle piece. As above, so below. The below is as above. Where is the center of an infinite circle? If the circumference stretches to infinity, the center could be anywhere and everywhere. Thus it is that each tiny puzzle piece is the center of an infinite circle whose circumference is nowhere and whose center is everywhere. "All is in THE ALL, and THE ALL is in all." This is the awesome potential of the double nature of the tiny piece, man. Within himself he contains the ALL. “His double functions are possible for him precisely because of his double nature--because he is so constituted that it is possible for him to embrace both the divine and the terrestrial at the same time. So let us not be afraid to tell the truth. The true man is above them (the celestial gods), or at least equal to them. For no god leaves his sphere to come to earth; whereas man ascends to heaven and measures it. Let us dare to say that a man is a mortal god and a celestial god is an immortal man. " Corpus Hermeticum | Did You Know? THE FIVE ELEMENTS OF OUR BEING
I was struck by how the aspects of our being, Spirit, Soul, Mind, Emotion and Body, align with the five elements. We are the five elements in embodied form. I connected the elements to who we are ~ Spirit is Ether, Mind is Air, Emotion is Water, Body is Earth. This left Fire. I hesitated connecting it to Soul, and I wondered why was Soul Fire? Fire is traditionally seen as the most rarefied and spiritual of the physical elements because of its masculine properties, its production of light, and its transformative power when it comes in contact with more physical material. Our souls are the "drivers" of our experience. In the Great Work, our soul seeks to connect with our Spirit ~ to merge and create the Philosophers Stone. It desires to transform, move through darkness, purify itself, and produce light.
The five elements are integrative and flow through all aspects of our being, while predominantly present in one aspect. It is the balance and harmony of the elements within us ~ these five aspects of our being ~ that create the ever expanding circle of Life.
Op Ed
By Paulette Dager-Harris
As the New Year unfolds, I am called to rededicate my life to the purification of self and nature using the 7 stages of alchemy as my barometer. While at times the fire of passion that guides my process may wane, I now know it cannot be extinguished. I have reached the point of “no return” and call upon the Many of you to join with me in this recommitment of mind, body and spirit to the Great Work of Alchemy, which serves our higher purposes and that of humanity. Hat’s off to Alchemists persevering in fellowship and embracing the changes and possibilities during this New Year of 2014! Alchemy is a spiritual path that purifies and expands conscious awareness, unifying the Self, with the Universal state of consciousness. - Phoenix Aquila, The Divine Ascent | | The Power of Prose TRANSMUTATION By Roberta Sharp Shedding skin – shedding the façade, which no longer serves me.  Recognizing the underlying fear of the unknown – as I shed all that I know/am – what does it mean? Who will I become? Who AM I? Lying prostrate on floor as in a religious ceremony. Understanding how The Great Masters must have felt knowing that mankind did not fully understand their way of being--living life in love rather than fear, knowing how mankind could transform their lives. Grieving for all that was--a deep sense of loss for what is and could have been, regrets for whatever was not of the highest purpose. Stripping down, naked in my vulnerabilities, naked in my true self; letting go of shame and blame, embracing my nakedness in all its many facets of body, soul, mind, ego; stripping down to my true divine nature--an opportunity to fully embrace who I AM. Feeling sadness, a waste of time and energy to get to this point, sadness in seeing the journey but not without understanding that it all served to make me who I am in this now time. Purging, a deep soul-level releasing. Replenishing and renewing my spirit, embracing a new birth, a new energy, a new earth from which to create my Divine Self in this World. The song, “I am a candle in the wind,” plays in my head now. Yes, I am a candle and I sway and dance to the intense energies. My flame may go out in the physical realm, but my inner flame cannot be diminished.
The Wisdom of Humor 
| | | | | | | | Spotlight on ... NEW BOOKS BY MEMBERS Member Jeff S. Williams has written the first two books in a series of four books on Esoteric Science. The author journeys through the esoteric traditions, from Egyptian Mystery Schools to Shamanism and Alchemy, demonstrating congruities both between each of the individual traditions and between the esoteric tradition as a whole and modern science. Foreword by Dennis William Hauck. MORE INFORMATION
| LECTURES & WORKSHOPS Alchemy Astrology Lecture with Tim Wilkersen, author of Alchemy Astrology, Lost Key to the Philosopher's Stone. January 18, 2014 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Location: Denver Chapter Le Lion Rouge For details go to: ALCHEMY ASTROLOGY MEMBERS ONLY EVENT: Introduction, Theory and History Prima Workshop Lecture with Robert Allen Bartlett, Author of Real Alchemy; and The Way of the Crucible March 15, 2014 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Double Tree Hilton, Aurora, CO Sponsored by the Denver Chapter Le Lion Rouge For details go to: PRIMA WORKSHOP LECTURE
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